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    SQL VIEWS and Security

    What View do ?
    • First,  It help you break down complex queries.
    • Secong, Query reusability.
    • Third, Security.(not fully recommendable)

    What is View ?
    View is just a stored query. Can also be said as virtual 
    table. They don't hold any data into them.Data comes from 
    real tables.SQL select query operator (WHERE, ORDER BY, etc)
     can be used with it.


    File 1:

    ... Read more »

    Category: Database | Views: 2906 | Added by: Admin | Date: 2015-04-21 | Comments (0)

    Insert Delete Update Select using Web Service and Stored procedure in ASP.NET

    In this lecture, you will learn to do basic CRUD operation using web service and stored procedure. To complete this lecture you need database script, web service and website to test. You can download it from here (click here to download). Lecture:

    Category: Programming | Views: 3108 | Added by: Admin | Date: 2015-03-09 | Comments (0)

    Sub Queries-

    Three basic rules only.

    Where you can place sub query?
    3 places where you can place your sub query:
    SELECT ----- FROM
    FROM   ----- WHERE
    WHERE  ----->

    SELECT ----- FROM
    (sub query can only return single value & no alias to value returned is required)


    (select max(val) from abc where ---) Ex output: 10
    (select top 1 val from abc where ----) Ex output: abctext

    (select val from abc where ----) and result is returning multple rows:

    Ex. ouput of above query:

    Click here to view complete article

    Category: Database | Views: 4720 | Added by: Admin | Date: 2014-12-21 | Comments (0)

    How to improve logic building ?

    Note: Watch video before reading text below.

    • Now concept of logic building is not so complex and not so simple.
    • We will not work on how to make logic program in C ?
    • We will study how to build complex logic in SQL, .NET, JAVA or any other major technologies in market.

    Main Part:

    • Main part in logic building under all technologies is LIBRARY DEFINED FUNCTIONS.
    • This is the main thing I will explain you with different examples in complete lecture.

    Click here to read complete article.

    Category: Programming | Views: 7770 | Added by: Admin | Date: 2014-09-28 | Comments (0)

    To make paper based animation card you need black and white icons or picture sketches. Also you require animbar software which you can download from link provided below. 


    1. Images of same resolution 

    2. Animbar

    To view complete article and download files click here.

    Views: 7774 | Added by: Admin | Date: 2014-08-26 | Comments (0)

    In this tutorial I have used SharpSSH for downloading, uploading and deleting file from remote SFTP..

    Code use in video is mentioned below:

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using Tamir.SharpSsh;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    using System.IO;
    using Tamir.SharpSsh.jsch;
    namespace SFTPConnectSample
        class Program
            static void Main(string[] args)

    Read More>>

    Category: Programming | Views: 16839 | Added by: Admin | Date: 2014-08-02 | Comments (1)

    LINQ for Beginners

    Topic covered are :

    • WHERE clause in LINQ
    • GROUP BY in LINQ
    • ORDER BY in LINA

    To download script click here.

    Category: Database | Views: 7599 | Added by: Admin | Date: 2014-07-31 | Comments (0)

    SQL XML:

    You can generate XML from SQL queries without even doing single line of code in your programming language. Below is the script used in above video:

    --Query 1

    select 1 as tag,null as parent,
    c.customerid as [Customers!1!Customerid],
    null as [order!2!orderid]
    from customers c inner join orders o
    on o.customerid=c.customerid
    select 2 as tag,1 as parent,
    from customers c inner join orders o
    on o.customerid=c.customerid
    order by [Customers!1!Customerid],[order!2!orderid]
    for xml auto

    --Query 2

    select 1 as tag,null as parent,
    c.customerid as [Customers!1!Customerid],
    null as [order!2!orderid]
    from customers c inner join orders o
    on o.customerid=c.customerid
    select 2 as tag, ... Read more »

    Category: Database | Views: 9982 | Added by: Admin | Date: 2014-06-10 | Comments (0)

    Below is script you can use to get scheduled records:

    -- Table you requre to hold schedule time and other information
    -- you can add other columns too to suite your requirements. 
    -- Main columns are scheduletype :  it hold information if schedule is daily, weekly or monthly
    -- Scheduletime : Time when you need to send report
    -- Scheduleday : Day of week or month you want to fire report
    -- for week Sunday holds value 1, monday 2, ... saturday equal 7 and repeat for next week from 1 to 7
    -- for month value for scheduleday is for day of month means 1 is 1st day of month 
    -- for daily its value doesn't matter
    -- other columns are just dependent on requirement
    create table #scheduletable
    reportname varchar(100),
    scheduletime time,
    scheduletype varchar(10),
    scheduledate date,
    scheduleday int,
    userid int
    --Note: I am using temporary table. Use table ac ... Read more »

    Category: Database | Views: 23972 | Added by: Admin | Date: 2014-06-02 | Comments (1)

    IE11 ssrs report viewer OR report viewer internet explorer 11

    If you are doing this in Then add ASP NET Folder App_Browser. Then add Browser File and replace all text with text below or download file attached below:

     <browser id="IE11Preview" parentID="Mozilla">
     <userAgent match=
    			Read more »
    Category: Database | Views: 14239 | Added by: Admin | Date: 2014-05-07 | Comments (0)

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