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  • Code snippets and steps to create custom code snippets

    Code snippets are meant as small region of reusable code. Which allow you to use intellisense to insert set of code N number of times. Below are the content you will cover in lecture. Using code snippets can save a lot of time and effort. Also help in distributing common standard code among team.

    • Code Snippets – Introduction
    • Ways to insert code snippets
    • Custom Code Snippets
    • XML File walkthrough
    • Examples
    • Using the custom snippets

    • Ready made code fragments
    • Two types
       • Expansion code snippet
       • Surround with code snippet

    Custom code snippets:
    • Steps to create custom code snippet
    • Create an XML file with extension .snippet
    • Import the snippets in Visual Studio
    • XML File boilerplate

    Download CustomerCodeSnippert.xml

    XML used for custom code snippet in video is:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> 
    <CodeSnippets xmlns="">
        <CodeSnippet Format="1.0.0">
            <!-- The header contains metadata about the snippet -->

                <!-- The Title of the snippet, this will be shown in the snippets manager -->

                <!-- The description of the snippet -->
                <!-- The author of the snippet -->
                <!-- The set of characters that must be keyed in to insert the snippet -->
                <!-- Snippet type - Expansion, SurroundsWith -->
            <!-- Snippet code and literals, if any -->
                <!-- Specify the code language and the actual snippet content. -->
                <Code Language="CSharp">
                        ACTUAL SNIPPET CODE

    Download CustomerCodeSnippert.xml

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