TechSapphire Saturday, 2024-07-27, 4:16 PM
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  • ASP.NET Role Security
    Video Tutorial for ASP.NET Role Security

    Download Exercise
    Select ASP.NET Configuration
    ASP.NET Configuration
    Select Authentication Type
    Select Configuration>Authentication Type>From internet
    Authentication Type
    Add Roles to site
    Create minimum 2 users one must be administrator and second must be normal user(For better testing results)

    Add Login View to Login.aspx
    • Add Login control to Login View having anonymous template
    • Add welcome note or what ever you want display after user logs in to Login View with loggined  view.

    Note: Same Steps for Register.aspx (use create user control their)

    Add password recovery to Forget password.aspx

    • Add Password Recovery control to page.
    • Change password recovery mail properties accordingly.

    Change SMTP setting from ASP.NET Configuration > Application

    SMTP settings

    Select Admin Access to particular directory

    Got to Role access in ASP.NET Configuration

    • Select access to Allow for Administrator.

    Administrator Access

    • Select access to Deny for all other users.

    Deny Access

    Download Exercise

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