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    Select Alternate Row SQL Server
    2012-09-03, 9:22 PM
    Select Alternate Row SQL Server

    Their are many approaches to get alternate record from SQL server database table. Here i have discussed 2 approaches
    1. Complex Query
    2. Using Views

    Complex Query: SELECT * from (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Employee_id) as RowNumber, * from employees) T where t.RowNumber%2=0

    Using Views:
    CREATE VIEW with_rownumber
    SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Employee_id) as RowNumber,* from employees;

    SELECT * from with_rownumber where RowNumber%2=0

    The approach preferred here is using VIEW because:
    1. Easy to understand.
    2. In future if you need to perform any operation related to RowNumber then you don't need to create another complex query. You could use view having rownumber column in it.

    Category: Database | Added by: Admin | Tags: SQL Server, even, sql, Odd, row, ROW NUMBER, Alternate, select
    Views: 2380 | Downloads: 0 | Comments: 10 | Rating: 0.0/0
    Total comments: 1
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