Create menu at runtime .Net Or Create dynamic menu vb.net Or Create runtime menu vb
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Imports System.Data.OleDb Public Class Form2 Dim cmd As OleDbCommand Dim dr As OleDbDataReader Dim con As OleDbConnection Dim dsitems As New DataSet Dim da As OleDbDataAdapter Private Sub Form2_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Dim str As String str = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;data source=" & Application.StartupPath & "\database1.mdb" con = New OleDbConnection(str) con.Open() loadmenuitems() End Sub Private Sub loadmenuitems() dsitems = GetDataSet() For Each drtemp As DataRow In dsitems.Tables(0).Select("MenuParent='' and USERID='DEMO'") CreateMenuItem(drtemp(0).ToString()) Next End Sub Private Sub CreateMenuItem(ByVal strMenu As String) Dim mmru As MenuItem = New MenuItem(GetMenuName(strMenu), New EventHandler(AddressOf Menu_Click)) mmru.Enabled = GetMenuEnable(strMenu) mnuMainMenu.MenuItems.Add(mmru) If dsitems.Tables(0).Select("MenuParent='" + strMenu + "' and USERID='DEMO'").Length > 0 Then For Each drTemp As DataRow In dsitems.Tables(0).Select("MenuParent='" + strMenu + "' and USERID='DEMO'") CreateMenuItems(mmru, drTemp(0).ToString()) Next End If End Sub Private Function GetMenuName(ByVal strMenuID As String) As String Return dsitems.Tables(0).Select("MenuID='" + strMenuID + "'")(0)(1).ToString() End Function Private Function GetMenuEnable(ByVal strMenuID As String) As Boolean If dsitems.Tables(0).Select("MenuID='" + strMenuID + "'")(0)(3).ToString() = "Y" Then Return True Else Return False End If End Function Private Function CreateMenuItems(ByVal mnuItem As MenuItem, ByVal strMenu As String) As String If dsitems.Tables(0).Select("MenuParent='" + strMenu + "'").Length > 0 Then Dim mmru As MenuItem = New MenuItem(GetMenuName(strMenu), New EventHandler(AddressOf Menu_Click)) mmru.Enabled = GetMenuEnable(strMenu) mnuItem.MenuItems.Add(mmru) For Each drTemp1 As DataRow In dsitems.Tables(0).Select("MenuParent='" & strMenu & "' and USERID='DEMO'") CreateMenuItems(mmru, drTemp1(0).ToString()) Next Else Dim mmru As MenuItem = New MenuItem(GetMenuName(strMenu), New EventHandler(AddressOf Menu_Click)) mmru.Enabled = GetMenuEnable(strMenu) mnuItem.MenuItems.Add(mmru) Return strMenu End If Return strMenu End Function Private Sub Menu_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Select Case DirectCast(sender, MenuItem).Text.ToUpper() Case "TXT" MessageBox.Show("You clicked - Text File") Exit Select Case "OPEN" MessageBox.Show("You clicked - Open") Exit Select Case "LOGIN" MessageBox.Show("You clicked - LOGIN") Exit Select Case "EXIT" Me.Close() Exit Select End Select End Sub
Private Function GetDataSet() As DataSet Dim ds As New DataSet("Menu") Dim drTmp As DataTable = ds.Tables.Add("Menu") drTmp.Columns.Add("MenuID", GetType(String)) drTmp.Columns.Add("MenuName", GetType(String)) drTmp.Columns.Add("MenuParent", GetType(String)) drTmp.Columns.Add("MenuEnable", GetType(String)) drTmp.Columns.Add("USERID", GetType(String)) Dim str As String Dim strarr(5) As String str = "Select * from menutable" cmd = New OleDbCommand(str, con) dr = cmd.ExecuteReader While dr.Read strarr(0) = dr(0).ToString strarr(1) = dr(1).ToString strarr(2) = dr(2).ToString strarr(3) = dr(3).ToString strarr(4) = dr(4).ToString drTmp.Rows.Add(New Object() {strarr(0), strarr(1), strarr(2), strarr(3), strarr(4)}) End While Return ds End Function End Class
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