
Hello. I'm not a webdesigner, this is just my hobby. Photos are from my portfolio and graphics is created in/by GIMP.
I'd like to introduce you. So, if I have nothing to tell ...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nunc lacinia tempus massa. Vestibulum bibendum luctus risus. In auctor pede sit amet leo. Cras imperdiet sollicitudin mi. Cras feugiat faucibus dolor. Vivamus augue tortor, egestas in, vehicula sit amet, porttitor ac, mauris. Mauris ornare. Nulla facilisi. Vivamus mi. Vestibulum erat neque, pulvinar malesuada, ultrices eu, porta sed, sapien. Nam semper euismod tellus. Praesent semper ullamcorper est. Praesent velit nibh, aliquam non, ultrices at, iaculis eget, libero. Mauris est risus, rutrum sagittis, nonummy nec, porttitor nec, massa. Maecenas pulvinar pellentesque nulla. Aliquam erat volutpat. Praesent quis mi. Phasellus ligula justo, ultrices consequat, condimentum sed, mollis eget, purus.
Landscape effect

This design is achievement of natural thinking. You can see here clouds, trees, grass and etc. Nature as a complex is very good place for abreact.
You should feel free and easily in nature. How are you feeling now?
Why I did it like this? I like nature and my goal was to create nice and nature-inspired template. It is created this more "relative" than other websites - using em instead of px on design creation. It's more accessible, like our accessibility to nature.
Follow these steps, or use your own standards.
- Your webpages should be valid XHTML and CSS.
- Follow the WAI
- Use headings and have hierarchical structure of them (SEO)
- Don't use fixed page or table layouts if it isn't necessary